Terms of Use
This web-site will help you create a letter asking your landlord to change a rule or policy or for permission to make changes to your apartment. Click here for more information.
It is illegal under fair housing laws for a landlord to refuse to make reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications.
A reasonable accommodation is a change in a rule, policy, or practice that could help a person with a disability use and enjoy his or her home.
A reasonable modification is a physical change in an apartment or a building that a person with disabilities may need in order to use and enjoy her or his home.
To use this tool you must accept our terms of use. Click on the following items to read them:

About Connecticut Fair Housing Center
The Connecticut Fair Housing Center, Inc. (The Center) is a state-wide non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating housing discrimination in Connecticut. The Center employs many different strategies to fulfill our mission including enforcement of state and federal fair housing laws
The housing discrimination laws make it illegal to discriminate against individuals in the sale or rental of housing because of their race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, children (or familial status), disability (mental or physical), marital status, age (except minors), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and legal source of income (for example, by refusing to accept Section 8).
For more information, please visit our Fair Housing Overview page.

Privacy Policy
This website will help you create a letter asking your landlord for a change in a rule or policy or for permission to make changes to your apartment. To help you create this letter, you will be asked for your name, address, email address, and telephone number.
You will also be asked for information about your disability and your need for a reasonable accommodation or modification.
The information that you give will be saved in the Connecticut Fair Housing Center’s files in case you call us for help in the future.
We will not give any of your information to anyone unless you ask us to.

General Terms of Use
The Connecticut Fair Housing Center, Inc. ("the Center") is non-profit corporation that provides this website as a free service to Connecticut residents who are:
- Individuals with disabillities,
- Advocates acting on behalf individuals with disabilities on a not-for-profit basis, and
- Lawyers and their staff giving not-for-profit or reduced-fee legal help to individuals with disabilities.
When you use this website you agree to all of the terms listed below. Please read them carefully. Also check this page periodically because the Center may update these terms. All updates become effective when posted.
Using this site means you agree to review and follow these:
- Terms of Use,
- All updates, and
- Other rules posted at this site.
Together, these terms, updates, and other rules form the complete agreement between you and the Center. The most recent version always supersedes any previous version, whether oral or written.
Permitted Use
This website is intended for use by individuals with disabilities, advocates acting on behalf of individuals with disabilities on a not-for-profit basis, and lawyers and their staff giving not-for-profit or reduced-fee legal help to people with disabilities. This website is intended to assist individuals with disabilities in requesting a reasonable accommodation or reasonable modification from housing providers. By using this website, you are agreeing that you will only use this website for its intended use.
You Agree to Provide Accurate and Truthful Information
By using this website, you will be asked to provide your (or your client’s) name, address, telephone number, email address, and information relating to your (or your client’s) disability and need for accommodation or modification. By agreeing to the terms of use, you are warranting that the information you provide to the website is accurate and truthful.
The Center is Not Your Lawyer
This website is not a substitute for legal advice from a lawyer. The website provides information regarding requests for reasonable accommodation or modification, but it is not a substitute for legal advice from a qualified lawyer. Your use of this website does not create any attorney-client relationship or any other fiduciary relationship between you and the Center. The accuracy of the Content is neither warranted nor guaranteed and you use the website at your own risk.
If you wish to seek legal advice regarding your request for reasonable accommodation or modification or another fair housing issue, you should call the Center at 860-247-4400 or 888-247-4401 for assistance.
Advocate Responsibilities
This website may be used by advocates, including those acting on behalf of individuals with disabilities on a not-for-profit basis and lawyers and their staff giving not-for-profit or reduced-fee legal help to individuals with disabilities.
When you use this website as an advocate, you agree that you alone are responsible for:
- Protecting your client’s and your interests,
- Using your own professional judgment to apply any information from this site to the facts and circumstances of your case,
- Verifying any information you get from this site,
- Personally assuring that your advice is based on accurate and complete information and research from any available sources, and
- Complying with all rules and ethical standards that may apply to you.
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After you’ve clicked “NEXT” or “PRIOR” you may need to scroll up to the top of the page to see the next step.
After you’ve clicked “NEXT” or “PRIOR” you may need to scroll up to the top of the page to see the next step.